Home » Articles » Soxle: The White Sox Word Game (March 7, 2022)

Soxle: The White Sox Word Game (March 7, 2022)

by Jordan Lazowski

Happy (?) Monday Soxle fans. Did you get the clue from yesterday’s puzzle? If not, here’s an extra one: not all six of the people who accomplished the feat I mentioned were former White Sox players, despite accomplishing it in a White Sox uniform. How could that be possible…

As we start our week, here are our reminders: Soxle is our version of Wordle with a White Sox twist. The rules are the same as the popular word game, except all words will be White Sox-related topics! Remember: don’t use the clues to look up players! In case you’re new to all of this, here are the basics:

  • You will have six attempts to guess the word of the day, with feedback given for each guess via colored tiles:
    • Green: The letter is in the word and in the correct spot.
    • Yellow: The letter is in the word but in the wrong spot.
    • Gray: The letter is not in the word in any spot.
  • Once all of the characters light up green, you have guessed the word correctly.

Our leaderboard continues to grow every day – now 86 players strong! The full leaderboard is below.

Remember, share your results by tagging us on social media, replying to our tweets about Soxle, and using the hashtag #Soxle. You can make up any days you missed as well – if you want to rise to the top, you’ll need to do all 23 puzzles so far! We have all the archives at the bottom of the page. If you look at the full leaderboard and your score looks off, send me (@jlazowski14) a DM and I’ll make sure to update your scores!

Looking back at some White Sox Trades with today’s puzzle. Hoping for a good challenge to wake your brain up on a Monday. Good luck!

Topic: White Sox Trades

Clue: The White Sox have completed 62 trades with one ball club, which is the most they’ve completed with any team. In one of the more recent trades with this club, today’s mystery player was traded AWAY from the White Sox. We are looking for his last name.

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Share your results on social media or in the comments below. You can make our leaderboard by tagging us, replying to our Soxle tweets, or using the hashtag #Soxle!

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Steve Klumpp

Got it in 2 SOXLE guessed in 2/6!

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