We are all searching for some new and fun things to do to pass the time that we are all quarantined. Here at Sox On 35th, we decided to bring bloggers, podcasters, players, and fans together and create The Show on 35th, a custom league on Playstation’s MLB The Show 20, and find out who is the best at the video game we have all begun to love with our newfound free time.
Here’s how it works: due to the incredible interest in the league, we decided to split it up into two leagues of 16 teams. Each team will play one game against each other in the “Regular Season,” and the top 8 teams in each league will advance to the playoffs. From there, the winner of each league’s World Series will play each other in the championship for the title of “Inaugural The Show on 35th Champion.”
Now, I know what you’re all waiting for: who are all the teams that are going to lose to me?!? Here are the league breakouts, their teams, and their Twitter handles. The order in which the players are listed are the order in which teams were drafted:
League 1:
- Matt Carlson (@mattcarl03): Los Angeles Dodgers
- Brandon Piszczek (@BrandonPiszczek): Atlanta Braves
- Matt (@__matt__12__): New York Yankees
- Dan Barrios (@_db3__): Washington Nationals
- Bubba Spaeth (@LilBillyVert19): Chicago White Sox
- Jordan Lazowski (@jlazowski14): Cincinnati Reds
- Tony Marchese (@TonyOnTap): Boston Red Sox
- Billy Rehfeld (@Billy_Rehfeld): Houston Astros
- Iowa Sox (@IowaSox): Tampa Bay Rays
- WhiteSoxDave (@whitesoxdave): San Diego Padres
- Matt Zawaski (@SouthsideZo): New York Mets
- Travis Alwin (@tbonealwin14): Minnesota Twins
- Ozney Guillen (@OzneyGuillen): Cleveland Indians
- Noah Phalen (@Noahs_ark_2x2): Philadelphia Phillies
- Kevin Napoleon (@k_napoleon36): Oakland Athletics
- Brandon Anderson (@b_son4): Milwaukee Brewers
League 2:
- Buzz (@BuzzOnTap): Atlanta Braves
- Drew (@CaptainDrew13): Chicago White Sox
- Sox in the Basement (@SoxInTheBasement): Los Angeles Dodgers
- William Karmin (@WilliamKarmin): Washington Nationals
- Nick Klimczak (@itsporter15): New York Yankees
- Matt Klug (@MattKlug33): Boston Red Sox
- Ryan Piontek (@TheSouthS1der20): Houston Astros
- Andrew Kinzler (@akinz25): New York Mets
- Jake Burger (@Burgatron13): Minnesota Twins
- Greg Mazukiewicz (@GregMazurkiewi1): Milwaukee Brewers
- Josh Nelson (@soxmachine_josh): Los Angeles Angels
- Carson (@SoxCarson): Tampa Bay Rays
- Jake Bartecki (@bartecki_jake): St. Louis Cardinals
- Ozzie Guillen Jr (@oguillenjr): Chicago Cubs
- Joe Binder (@JoeBinder): Cincinnati Reds
- Joey Bats (@jp261717): Arizona Diamondbacks
Many of our teams have already gotten off to a hot start here, and we are hoping many of these games can be streamed live! There are still details to come, but make sure you stay up to date over on our Twitter, as well as right here on our website. Make sure to follow along and do some scouting, because you could be a part of the next league in due time!
For now, let’s (virtually) Play Ball!